
Tsuyoshi Nagabuchi Translation: Stay Dream ̖̉̎|Fr@c


Pain and sadness, I just want to die
Things like this, one or two
Look, everyone is burdened with a problem here and a problem there
And even when you lower your waist and hope
The answer is "nothing"

Disappointment and anger just seem to blow you away
Things like this, one or two
Pain you gave up is a step "to try"

The reason why you could'nt try it
Lies in the firmly bound inconvenience


Don't worry. Don't give up, just like a boy
Like that cheer that grew thin
In that labyrinth you can't get out
Also when every human being is sounding
Stay dream, so stay dream, stay dream

Deep, deep in that twisetd eyes
There's something more inside that struggles
The most fearful thing is
When I know that I'm brave
But I can't hold back my weakness in spite of myself


I can't go forward anymore
For example when I face a breakdown
In such a night I listen to the sound of order with my heart

But this is a part of you! Try to make fun of you like this just once
Don't worry, don't give up just like a boy
Like a cheer that grew thin
In a labyrinth you can't get out
Also when everybody is being sound, stay dream

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